Webinar: Supply chains will never get back to normal
Worldwide, less than half of all container ships are arriving at the estimated time. To top up this frightening fact, we know that maritime logistics represent 90% of the world supply chain. These facts combined describe a world waiting for ordered goods, yearning for data and overview and thousands of companies trying to answer their end-customers’ demanding questions.
Maritime supply chains are certainly stricken with what seems like everlasting bad luck. Our data shows that a large number of the ports around the globe are so congested that vessels are waiting days or even weeks to unload. Costing millions of dollars and applying pressure on all other logistical systems.
Supply chains will never go back to what we considered normal just a few years ago. Covid-19, war in Ukraine and changing supply chain patterns have disrupted the entire sector making it uncertain times for everyone involved in freight forwarding and supply chain.
Catch our webinar and experience our take on a solution
We are not saying that we can help everything get back to “normal”, but we are sure, that our data products can help you adjust to the new logistical world order. We provide you with the much-needed real-time overview helping you adjust and give notice to your customers.
Find perspective and answers on these questions:
- How bad is the ocean supply chain problem right now?
- How is it affecting my costs?
- Will things cool down and get back to “normal”?
- How can I provide my customers with data? And how will this help me, or my customers save time, energy and money?
Your host is Morten Bols, Market Development Director @ GateHouse Maritime
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